Monday, February 25, 2008

Un Recorrido Por España!

Hola chicos y chicas!

Well it's been a couple weeks since my last post, and the wait was not in vain. Como dice el titulo, en estas semanas he viajado a Córdoba, Segovia, Salamanca, Barcelona, y Cotos. Many places with much to talk about, so I'll post one city at a time...Empecemos por Córdoba:

Como les comente en el post anterior, Córdoba es una ciudad con historia muy larga y mixta. One of the premier tourist attractions is ofcourse, La Mezquita (Spanish word for Mosque).

The Catedral-Mezquita dates as far back as 6th Century A.D. when there was still a Visigothic church in its place, but the actual mosque replaced it and was reworked and had additions added to it up until the end of the 10th Century. Al final se convirtió en la segunda Mezquita más grande del mundo.

The arcs we see in the picture were part of one of the reforms that were made when better architectural practices were put in place. In the year 1236 when Carlos V recaptured Córdoba from the Muslim Empire, it was reconsecrated as a Roman Catholic Church. From that point on more reforms were taken on again to add Cristian Chapels and other such amendments until the 18th Century. It truly is a site to behold. While you don't really get the gist of its sheer SIZE from this picture I took, on the bottom is one I got from the Internet that has a view of the exterior from farther away.
We also got a chance to go to the site of the Castle of "Los Reyes Católicos." The Building itself was not all that impressive, but we got a couple really good shots of the gardens.

To sum up Córdoba, its basically a quintessential example of the mixture of all three of the biggest religions of the World in one small town.

P.S. Again, I have not forgotten my promised Nightlife piece, I think it will be more fun to compare and contrasts all of the different cities in one :)

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